Burnout and its Effects on Freelancers

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Let's get right into it; this is going to be quite an exciting topic as most individuals, freelancers, and other persons who go into the office face this issue, utterly oblivious to what it's doing to them. What's this concept, you ask? It's BURNOUT. That's right, burnout. As simple as it may sound, it's a real issue affecting our performance level and our personal life. \n

What is Burnout?

What is Burnout? Burnout is the result of feeling swamped or overwhelmed constantly. It is caused by prolonged and excessive mental, physical, and emotional stress.

Often this may be caused by the stress levels of our jobs, especially working at home. Balancing your daily tasks and taking care of your family and the house is no easy task, and one is usually left exhausted afterward. Burnout happens when your exhaustion level is prolonged. You start to feel the effects mentally.

Burnout affects an individual in more ways than one, including a decline in productivity levels. With your energy being drained from doing large quantities of work in a specific period, you will be too exhausted to do any form of work. If you find the strength to complete a work-related task, your finished product may not be as good as the rest. Due to lack of sleep, your brain may be on the verge of collapsing, so you may not perform at your best.

Symptoms of Burnout

In terms of how we feel, burnout symptoms might be evident as day, but we may not notice them. These are some symptoms you should look out for to determine if you are burnt out.


  1. Inability to perform your job as effectively as you once did (decreased productivity).

  2. Exhaustion and extreme fatigue.

  3. Irritability.

  4. Lack of motivation towards a particular project or something you love doing.

Imagine experiencing all these emotions all at once? Sounds like they would probably explode. Though they may not explode, they will undoubtedly feel like they are. I never understood what was happening to me until I did some research. Guess what? I have experienced burnout before, and it is not one of the easiest things to recover from. I had days when I wanted to pull my hair out and scream, but I am thankful for my few close friends who prevented that from happening. I did thorough research, and I found new ways of relaxing, such as sewing (it's pretty relaxing) and taking time out to take care of myself.

Causes of Burnout

Now that you are aware of the symptoms, what causes burnout, and how can it be prevented?

  1. A high volume of work is performed with little rest, which is often the cause of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

  2. An inability to compete with your colleagues to reach a certain standard at work. While striving for more extraordinary things is not a sin, doing too much can feel burdening.

  3. Having a sense of underappreciation or boredom at your workplace. It may seem strange, but boredom may lead to exhaustion. It can become annoying to perform the same activities repeatedly, some of which you may not enjoy.

In addition to burnout occurring at work, it may also occur in the home. No break from work and the kids driving you nuts. I am sure many of you can relate.

How can we fix or prevent burnout from happening?

  1. Discuss the matter with a friend - research has shown that talking can reduce stress levels. I do not know the scientific explanation of why it occurs, but I am sure it does. Many of us may agree that talking to a friend about our internal turmoil can help us feel better. I found an article that may help to explain this concept better.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/your-personal-renaissance/201906/why-talking-about-our-problems-makes-us-feel-better#:\~=Studies have shown that simply,%2C %26 Glaser%2C 1988)

  1. Ask for time off or to cut back on long hours.

  2. Take the time to rest- let's face it, as hardworking individuals striving towards our goals, we don't sleep well half of the time we are in bed. Our brains are constantly working to improve our performance. Taking extra time to accomplish more, whether reading or completing a task, is beneficial, but sleep is also essential. When you lack sleep, it's hard for you to focus. Over time, it will lead to you being burned out and overwhelmed.

  3. Exercise (See why exercise is essential, as hard as it may sometimes be).

  4. Take part in an enjoyable activity- whether it's going for a walk in the park, swimming, visiting a new restaurant, or simply visiting an amusement park. All that matters is that our activities make us happy and take our minds off troublesome thoughts. Don't be afraid of attempting something new today; you do not have to do anything complicated. Simplicity is the key.


Freelancers can quickly become overwhelmed by their constant workload and trying to balance their regular lives, but it is essential that they remember to take care of themselves. The concept of burnout is becoming a significant issue in all work areas, and if prolonged, we will just crash into the ground. Plan your schedule to fit your needs, with adequate rest periods in between so that you do not become overwhelmed. Whenever you feel exhausted or frustrated, take a break, breathe, and do something else for a few minutes. Afterward, you can come back and continue. Don't forget to reward yourself occasionally! We need love too!!!


Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, and your spirit. Then get back to work.

Ralph Marston

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